My favorite holiday is only a couple of days away – that’s right. Thanksgiving.
It is my favorite holiday because it’s a chance to cook a huge meal for everyone you love, spend time with family, and give thanks for everything you have. It doesn’t hurt that some of my favorite foods are shared on this day.
Our Thanksgiving starts off with me and my mom preparing the meal. She does the major portions and I provide a couple of side dishes and a dessert. While we are cooking, my dad and I also watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade – it’s a tradition in our house to watch it every year. Then we eat with my sister and her family and afterwards, we rest for a while until the football games. I love that the Cowboys play on this holiday every year.
I hope you and your family have wonderful traditions as well. In case you are still looking for some recipes – I’m sharing some of my favorites here for you:
1. Apple Pecan and Pumpkin Cornbread Dressing
2. Bacon and Green Bean Casserole
3. Mom’s Marshmallow Yam and Pineapple Creation
5. Fried Brussel Sprouts Salad
7. Maple Glazed Bacon Wrapped Green Beans
{Be sure and follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to keep up with everything food!}

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