So last year I made pumpkin cookies from a box cake mix and loved them. This got me thinking of a way I could make them for the kiddos for Valentine’s Day. My niece Sydni loves s’mores, and I mean loves them. Me, I love them too but I’d be just as happy to eat each piece separately.
Of course I started thinking maybe I could smush some charred marshmallows on cookies to make a version of a whoopie pie. I turned it up a notch by topping with raspberries. And oh my was this delicious.
I love making cookies with a boxed cake mix. The possibilities are endless.
Chocolate Marshmallow Raspberry Whoopie Cookies
1 – 15.25 oz box Devil’s Food Cake Mix
2 eggs
1/3 c canola oil
Confectioners sugar
Jumbo marshmallows
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
In a mixing bowl, add cake mix, eggs and oil. Mix with an electric mixer and mix until combined.
Using a Tablespoon Cookie Scoop, form balls of dough and roll in confectioners sugar. Place on two cookie sheets. Dough will spread out a lot so leave plenty of room in between cookies.
Bake for 12 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool for 5 minutes. Remove cookies from cookie sheet and place on wire rack to cool completely.
Before ready to serve put together whoopie pies.
Set oven to broiler setting.
Place cookies bottom side up on clean cookie sheet. Cut jumbo marshmallows in half and place four marshmallow halves on half of the cookies. Place cookie sheets under broiler and watch closely. Remove once marshmallows are lightly browned. This will happen in less than a minute so watch closely. Top marshmallows with clean raspberries then top with another cookie and smush down.
Makes 11 monster size whoopie cookies. (or 22 chocolate crinkle cookies)
** The cookie scoop includes an affiliate link – if you don’t have this scoop yet in your kitchen, you need it. And if you buy it from my link, Amazon pays with a teeny tiny commission at no cost to you. It helps pay for the hosting fees for this site. Thanks!

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