Easy DIY Painted Nutcracker Boxes make the perfect Christmas treat boxes to share with family and friends.
For years and years I planned a Cookie Swap party for my family members. It was so much fun for me to plan and bake. And this was long before I even had a food blog. But then it just got too complicated trying to arrange it all and make everyone happy. So now I just do what makes me happy and that’s to make oodles and oodles of cookies and baked goods and share them with loved ones. This year I’ll be sharing some in these Easy DIY Painted Nutcracker Boxes.
Last year I didn’t share as many as I would have liked to because I fell asleep the night I had set aside to do the majority of my baking. Yeah that happened. I was exhausted beyond belief and listened to my body. I ended up giving my coworkers bags of sugar (and other gifts) instead of cookies like I had planned.
This year I plan to make up for it by giving away treats in these Nutcracker Boxes. I saw this idea in a wine and gift catalog that had like 7 boxes painted to look like a Nutcracker. I immediately knew I could do this and set out to make my own. Nutcrackers are my favorite thing and I collect them so I may even leave one of these for myself.
I’ll be sharing more cookie treats to put in these boxes but you can start of with my German Chocolate Christmas Crack or these Salted Peanut Butter Pretzels. I’m crazy about both of those recipes this year.
Painted Nutcracker Boxes
- 3 boxes - gradual sizes (Michael's)
- Paint: Red, Blue, Gold, Black Beige and White
- Black Sharpie
- Sponge brushes
- Small tip paint brush
- Pencil
- Instructions:
- Paint the largest box blue and the lid red. Let dry.
- Paint the medium box beige and the lid gold. Let dry.
- Paint the small box black and the lid gold. Let dry.
- Free hand the designs on each box and paint. For the face and circles I used a pencil to make the design then painted/Sharpied it in.
