This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #GlucernaContigo #CollectiveBias
Do you eat breakfast? It’s the most important meal of the day so you know I eat it. But I’m usually on the go so I need something quick. And also something that will keep my blood sugar levels steady until lunchtime.
Having members of my family who have diabetes, including my mom and sister, I know how important it is to keep your blood sugar levels steady. With 23% of Hispanics in the United States having diabetes, it’s not surprising that a lot of my extended family members are also living with diabetes. Having a grandfather who lost both of his legs to diabetes, it is always a concern in my family. My mom is so good about checking her levels constantly throughout the day, but I still worry about what my mom and sister both eat.
So, finding this Glucerna Snack Shake at Walmart on a recent shopping trip had me excited for the possibilities of creating something for them. Breakfast to me always involves some sort of fruit – unless I’m eating a breakfast taco. Hmmm, that’s an idea though!
Back to this breakfast idea, the Glucerna Chocolate Snack Shake is the perfect size to start this smoothie bowl for those mornings your want something a little substantial for breakfast. And it’s simple. Just throw (almost) everything in the blender and turn it on. Then add your favorite fruit and nuts to the top then dig in. Simple, right?
The Glucerna Snack Shakes are made for people with diabetes who are managing their blood sugar levels. They are low in calories, sugar, are CARBSTEADY®, and they come in several different flavors and sizes. All this helps to minimize blood sugar spikes.
Does anyone in your family have diabetes or pre-diabetes? Glucerna can help and they have a $1 off coupon for any one (1) Glucerna product. Perfect to get so you can make this smoothie bowl! Find more information on the Glucerna Shakes and flavors available online. And here’s a fun video for you that’s shows you one example of how to live with diabetes. Glucerna also has meal plans to help you make a meal plan if you or someone you know is living with diabetes.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie Bowl
1 – 8 oz can Glucerna Chocolate Snack Shake
1 – 5.3 oz container Greek yogurt
2 Tbsp all natural peanut butter
1 – 12 oz. pkg frozen Berry medley
2 Bananas
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
Dash of Cayenne pepper
2 cups ice
Handful pistachios
Defrost half the berries.
Place shake, yogurt, peanut butter, frozen berries, one banana, cinnamon, cayenne pepper and ice in blender. Mix until all ingredients are mixed together.
Distribute into four bowls.
Top with sliced bananas, deforested fruit and pistachios.
