It’s that time of year again folks! Football season! Oh how I love me some football. And I’ve got the perfect game day food for you.
I first came to love the sport while watching it as a young girl with my father. There was never any doubt in my mind who I would be rooting for on Sunday afternoons. The Dallas Cowboys, of course.
Once the season starts, I will watch every Cowboys game and as many other games as I can. Football is such an exciting sport to watch and I get giddy when the season starts. If only it lasted as long as the NASCAR season I would be one happy girl. One thing that comes with watching games is party food. I do love party food.
This take on Frito Pie uses chili cheese fries instead of chili and incorporates one of my favorite salads – Doritos Taco Salad – and can be eaten straight out of the bag. Perfection.
Chili Corn Chips Taco Pie
1 lb lean ground beef
1 package taco seasoning
1 – 15 oz can Red Kidney Beans, drained
4 – 6 small bags chili corn chips
Cheddar cheese, shredded
Romaine lettuce, diced
Tomatoes, diced
1/2 c Thousand Island Dressing
1/2 c Catalina Dressing
In a large sauté pan, brown ground beef. Drain and add taco seasoning according to package instructions (usually adding 3/4 c water).
Bring meat to a boil. Reduce heat. Add beans and summer form 5 minutes.
In a small bowl, mix together Thousand Island and Catalina dressing.
Tear or cut open bags of chips. Add meat and beans mixture evenly among the bags. Top with cheese, lettuce and tomatoes.
Drizzle dressing over salad. Enjoy!

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