I’m a meat lover. Boy do I love me some beef. I think it’s because growing up my dad used to barbeque all the time. Like all the time.
And growing up with also one of the best barbeque places right in your hometown, {anyone know of Louie Mueller?} you tend to know good beef.
So when I threw this rub on my sirloin steaks last weekend I had no idea they were going to be some of the best steaks I had ever made. Seriously.
It may have been because I got the cut of meat at an actual meat market rather than a supermarket but whatever it was, it was unbelievably enticing.
Every Mother’s Day my family would get together and all the moms would gets steaks. I always felt left out but now that I’m an adult, I can make my own steak. And one for mom and my sis too.
I paired this particular steak with some potatoes and green beans I found at the farmers market that day. There is absolutely nothing as good as getting your produce straight from the source.
Now you may like your beef like most Americans, medium rare, but I absolutely cannot eat any meat with red in it. It pains me. So even though I cooked it well done, it was still tender and flavorful.

Simple Sirloin Rub
3 large sirloin steaks, cut about 1 1/2 inch thick
Olive oil
2 Tbsp ground black pepper
3 Tbsp salt
2 Tbsp smoked paprika
2 Tbsp onion powder
2 Tbsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp ground coriander seeds
Using a small bowl, add together rub ingredients and mix until thoroughly combined. Drizzle olive oil over steaks and rub into both sides. Generously season steaks with rub and using your hands, massage into steaks. Let marinate for 30 minutes.
Add about a teaspoon of olive oil to a frying pan. Heat on medium high heat. Add steaks, one at a time, and cook until desired temperature. This steak would also taste great grilled.