I have started back up on Weight Watchers and am trying to take in healthy foods for snacks and lunch to work. If I don’t, I will inevitably hit up the vending machine or go grab a quick meal which isn’t always healthy.
Lately I’ve been seeing a coworker eating his fabulous looking salad from Chipotle. I’m determined to make my salad look just as appetizing – maybe then I’ll eat it. The salad I prepared is packaged in a container that I got at Walmart. It’s filled with baby spinach leaves, sliced strawberries, sliced cucumbers, mandarin orange slices, and croutons. I also have in separate baggies a hard boiled egg and some fat free poppyseed dressing. All in one container. I’m also adding a Tyson southern chicken fillet.
When I’m ready for lunch I’ll just heat the chicken, slice the egg, mix everything together, pour the dressing and eat it all up.

Doesn’t it look good?

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